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ACES Print Film Emulations. Done right.

fylm.ai offers absolutely the best ACEScct print film emulations you can find. Created from real print film scans and meticulously adapted for ACEScct colour science. Finally achieve that celluloid look easily and quickly.

Print Film Emulations for color-managed workflows.

ACEScct print film emulations, made from real-life film scans, have been created from the ground up for colour managed workflows.

fylm.ai can adapt the colour science of any LUT for your workflow even for non-color managed environments. Focus on creativity, let us handle the rest.

fylm.ai ACEScct Print Film Emulations are designed to give your images a filmic and cinematic characteristics. The colour gamut of the LUTs is based on precise measurements of real film stock scans and takes into account the highly non-linear characteristics of real film stock. While all of the LUTs are based on precise real-world film scans, some artistic freedom has been exercised in the creation of the LUTs to make the overall appearance more pleasing for as wide a range of images as possible, and inline with modern wide colour gamuts such as DaVinci Wide Gamut and ACEScct AP1.

Colour measurements are based on real film scans performed natively in the wide ACES AP1 colour space and are not an adaptation of more limited measurements made in Rec709 or P3 which may limit the dynamic range of the LUT when used in HDR workflows.

During the creation of all LUTs, a special attention has been given to three main filmic characteristics:

  • Subtractive colour model behavior
  • Non-linear gamut and curves response
  • Pleasing shadow and highlight rolloff

In addition, all LUTs have gone through multiple stress tests so that optimum image quality is achieved. Out-of-gamut colours are gracefully mapped into the outer 15% percent of the gamut’s colour volume.

Granger Rainbow stress test showing the effect of a Print Film Pro 1 LUT with out-of-gamut colour mapping applied. JPG compression is applied on the saved image which might affect the quality.

TrueColor LUT stress test image showing the effect of a Print Film Pro 1 LUT with out-of-gamut colour mapping applied. JPG compression is applied on the saved image which might affect the quality.