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fylm.ai 1.3.2 Update

fylm.ai 1.3.2 release is a bug fix and enhancement release which fixes two bugs and enhances the handling of virtual and super saturated colours when creating a LUT for DaVinci Wide Gamut Intermediate.

Today we are releasing a minor fylm.ai update, version 1.3.2.

Version 1.3.2 fixes two bugs introduced in version 1.3.1 and enhances two existing features. Following is a list of changes included in 1.3.2 update:

  • Improve handling of virtual and super saturated colours when creating a LUT for DaVinci Wide Gamut Intermediate.
  • Fixed a rare issue where under certain circumstances a LUT exported for DaVinci Wide Gamut Intermediate wouldn’t include the ‘Fix Blue Lights Artifacts’ colour matrix when appropriate options was selected
  • Fixed an issue where loading of an image could fail under some conditions
  • Introduced 5 additional neutral tints to the Neutral Tint tool

To get the new update, no other action from user is required and you will be on the latest version as soon as you reload the app.

If you encounter any unexpected behavior in the app we suggest clearing the cache and reloading the app. As always, should you have any questions please contact our support.

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