Today we are releasing update 1.6 for which introduces several new and very exciting features that further enhance your colour grading experience and make it much simpler and more accessible.
Introducing custom LUT import now lets you import custom 3D LUT files in .cube format. As is ACEScct colour-managed application, make sure that you select the appropriate colour space for the custom LUT when using it, if your LUT expects a colour space other than ACEScct.
LUTs that expect the following colour spaces are supported:
- ACEScct
- Rec709
- sRGB
- LogC3
- LogC4
- DaVinci Wide Gamut
- REDWideGamut
Scene-referred, stress-tested and completely new LUT packs
We have just released a completely new experience with completely new LUT packs. The new LUT packs have been built from the ground up based on film measurements in ACEScct colour space. They are stress-tested, and built using techniques at the forefront of colour science.
The new LUT packs are available under the Add Tool menu.
For more information on the new LUT packs, please visit the new LUT packs page.
Free LUT pack 1.6 ships with 5 free LUTs, available to all users, from the newly introduced LUT packs. The included LUTs are:
- Cine World Pro – Amy
Amy LUT is built upon Fuji 3513 print film emulation LUT with significant creative freedom exercised in the creation of the LUT. Exposure is neutral, mid-tones are warmer and contrast is increased. - Commercial Pro – Claire
Claire LUT is based on popular cold-warm, teal-orange palette with increased contrast and a clever teal-blue tint to everything along the neutral axis. - Colour Film Boost Pro 10
Film Boost Pro 10 LUT offers a bold but somewhat neutral look. Colour depth and range are accentuated, skin tones are warmer and contrast is slightly increased. Overall appearance is based on the Kodak 2383 print film with a slightly warmer mid point and increased colour contrast. - Film Tone Pro 3
Film Tone Pro 3 LUT is based on the Kodak 2393 print film with softer overall appearance, lower contrast and warmer white point. Highlight rolloff is particularly pleasing and colour palette is deep yet pastel-like. - Print Film Pro 2
Print Film Pro 2 is modeled after Kodak 2383 with some changes, to make it more suitable under a wider range of lighting conditions. White point is D65. Particular attention was paid to pleasing skin tones.
The free LUT pack is available under the Add Tool menu.
For more information, please visit the free LUT pack page at
LogC4 export option
One of the more frequently requested features was to add an option to create a LogC4 LUT flavor so it can be converted into ALF4 format and used in the Arri Alexa 35 camera. So that’s exactly what we did.
To get the new update, no other action from user is required and you will be on the latest version as soon as you reload the app.
If you encounter any unexpected behavior in the app we suggest clearing the cache and reloading the app. As always, should you have any questions please contact our support.