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fylm.ai 1.0.5 Update

fylm.ai 1.0.5 is an enhancement release which brings an important improvement to the AI Colour Extract tool. It is now more accurate and will produce better results under extreme conditions.

Today we are releasing a minor fylm.ai update, version 1.0.5. Version 1.0.5 is an enhancement release and it includes the following change:

  • Improved the Magic Look created by the AI Colour Extract tool

We have optimised and improved the process behind the AI Colour Extract tool look creation so now, under extreme conditions and whenever there is a significant discrepancy between the source and reference images the AI Colour Extract tool will produce a better and more pleasing result. It will also be more accurate for technical purposes such as shot to shot matching or camera matching.

Please note, this release will affect your previously created AI Colour Extract looks. Now, when you load an image for which you previously used the AI Colour Extract tool it will automatically use the new and improved version. If you wish to apply the previous version of AI Colour Extract tool, for compatibility reasons, please toggle the “Legacy Mode” under the Advanced option of the AI Colour Extract tool.

No other action from user is required and you will be on the latest version as soon as you reload the app.

If you encounter any unexpected behavior in the app we suggest clearing the cache and reloading the app. As always, should you have any questions please contact our support.

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