⚡ fylm.ai 2.0 is here! Capture One export, AI Magic Mode, New Design and more. Learn more.

Private Beta 2 Released

Beta 2 release bridges the gap between Hollywood and still photographers by introducing an XMP profile creation from within fylm.ai.

We are proud to announce the release of fylm.ai beta 2. Beta 2 is a feature enhancement release and it focuses on the newly introduced Adobe XMP Profiles creator. As of today, you can export your looks directly as Adobe Enhanced XMP profile for use in Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop and wherever Adobe Camera Raw is used. XMP profiles created with fylm.ai can also be synced with Lightroom mobile so that they can be used on your phone or tablet.

Beta 2 release bridges the gap between Hollywood and still photographers and opens up a whole new world of colour grading for professional and amateur still photographers.

We are super excited about the possibilities this update brings as we try to make fylm.ai essential tool for filmmakers and photographers as one and we truly believe that fylm.ai now offers a whole new world of colour grading for still photographers.

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40% OFF on fylm.ai Pro. Sign up before November 30th and lock your discount forever. Experience NeuralToneAI – your virtual colourist copilot. Discount applied automatically at checkout.