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Private Beta 4 Released

Beta 4 introduces Colour Match which allows you to match anything and everything. Shot to shot matching, camera matching, digital to film and vice versa, it's all possible with Colour Match with a single click.

We are proud to announce the release of fylm.ai beta 4. Beta 4 is a feature enhancement release and it introduces Colour Match which is now available for wider testing.

Colour Match is nothing short of a revolution in colour grading as it allows you to match anything and everything. Shot to shot matching, camera matching, film to digital and vice versa, it’s all possible with Colour Match with a single click.

Main uses of Colour Match are:

  • Shot to shot matching
  • Different cameras matching
  • Matching film to digital and vice versa
  • Creating a LUT from a before and after image in case you don’t have the grade or the LUT

To get started with Colour Match, first you must save an image as a Match. This is your “palette” image from which you will transfer the colour information. Then, simply select the “Colour Match To…” option from the contextual menu and select your “palette” image.

Colour Match will automatically match your “target” image to your “palette” image and offer you several different matching options. Select the one that looks best to your taste. To further refine the colour matching process, you may open the Advanced drop down menu.

If you are shot to shot matching, we recommend first transferring the original grade (if you created it in fylm.ai) using the Apply Grade To/From… option and then using the Colour Match to further match the shots.

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